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El Dorado County's main goal is to ensure that all individuals and families have equal access to community resources and safe and affordable housing


El Dorado Opportunity Knocks Continuum of Care (EDOK CoC) is a regional planning body of representative stakeholders in El Dorado County that coordinates the community’s policies, strategies, and activities toward preventing and ending homelessness.


Its work includes gathering and analyzing information to determine the needs of people experiencing homelessness, implementing strategic responses, educating the community on homeless issues, providing advice and input on the operations of homeless services, and measuring CoC performance.


2024 El Dorado County Homeless Data



People Experiencing Homelessness

or 52%

People Experiencing Sheltered Homelessness

135 or 48%

People Experiencing Usheltered Homelessness


were over the age
of 24


were male


were white

Our Mission

That all individuals and families in El Dorado County have equal access to community resources and safe and affordable housing.

CoC Meeting Information

Next CoC Board Meeting

March 7, 2025

8:30 am - 10:00 am â€‹

Zoom Link:

‪(US) +1 309-205-3325‬

Meeting ID: 876 5213 5044

Agenda coming soon


Previous meeting agenda and meeting materials here.

Next CoC General Membership Meeting

March 7, 2025

 10:00 am - 11:00 am​

Zoom Link:

‪(US) +1 309-205-3325‬

Meeting ID: 876 5213 5044

Agenda coming soon


The March meeting will cover Homeless Prevention and Problem Solving. 


Previous meeting agenda and meeting materials here.

The CoC will hold hybrid meetings. To attend meetings in person, please visit one of these locations. 

  • 3368 Sandy Way, (Large Conference Room), South Lake Tahoe 

  • 3057 Briw Rd., (Sierra Room), Placerville

Meetings are open to all. Please email us at if you require special accommodations or have trouble accessing the meeting or the meeting documents. ​


Emergency Solutions Grant Local Competition Application

 The local competition for the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) is now open. Applications are due on February 24, 2025, 5:00 p.m. For more information, see the Local Application Form.

Youth Services Letter of Interest Solicitation

The El Dorado Continuum of Care is looking for project proposals for the use of Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention (HHAP) funds to serve Youth experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. The total available fund is $138,531. Letter of Interest are due on February 28, 2025, 5:00 p.m. Please click here to learn more.

YHDP Grant Opportunity

On January 14, 2025, HUD released the FY2024 Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (YHDP) opportunity. This NOFO grant is available to agencies that help reduce youth homelessness in their communities. The total money award is approximately $72 million and will be distributed to between 12 and 25 participating communities, with a priority given to communities with substantial rural populations in up to eight (8) locations. Applications are due on April 17, 2025 at by 11:59:59 p.m., Eastern Time. Please click here to learn more.

Join the Lived Experience Advisory Board (LEAB)!

Have you experienced homelessness in El Dorado County?
Share your expertise!

El Dorado Opportunity Knocks (EDOK) is seeking people with current or past lived experience of homelessness to share their experience and knowledge, make recommendations for system improvement, and participate in the EDOK decision making process.

This is your opportunity to:

  • Provide feedback on funding priorities and policies for homeless housing and services.

  • Use your leadership and advocacy skills to make positive change

  • Provide recommendations to the EDOK for improving access to housing 

Additional Information:

  • Lived Experience Advisory Board (LEAB) Meetings will occur monthly for the duration of 1 hour

  • LEAB members will earn $25 per meeting they attend!


If you would like to apply for LEAB, please complete this application and submit to the contacts below:


If you have any questions, please reach out to:

South Lake Tahoe:
Carrie Chapman,
Tahoe Youth and Family Services 
Please fill out application

Western Slope/Placerville:
Haley Armstrong,

Volunteers of America, El Dorado Navigation Center
Please fill out application

Goal 1

Stopping Homelessness Before it Begins

A proactive approach to addressing homelessness in our community means increasing preventative services, improving discharge planning to ensure individuals are not discharged into homelessness, and improving emergency response systems countywide.

Goal 2

Increase Access to Housing

Affordable accessible housing is essential to preventing and ending homelessness for most individuals. Partnerships with private landlords as well as a comprehensive plan to protect and expand affordable housing will provide more housing options for all low-income individuals and families. 

Goal 3

Increase Access to Homeless Emergency Response Services

Expanding low barrier emergency housing solutions, improving street outreach and expanding services to support people exiting homelessness will create a path to housing for those living in the street.

Goal 4

Partner Across El Dorado County to Build Collective Solutions

Working together to implement identified strategies and priorities will reduce homelessness in El Dorado County. 

As a CoC, we work to collaboratively identify and address social vulnerabilities, reduce inflow, increase prevention and build a robust emergency response system to accomplish the functional end of homelessness in El Dorado County. See the full Strategic Plan here

Our CoC recognizes that homelessness is a complex issue and will require support from various community partners to ensure that all individuals and families in El Dorado County have equal access to community resources and safe and affordable housing. 



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